It’s been a little while since my last post because I’ve been so busy with other facets of business…but I wanted to give a brief update and share with you how my new set of Bradelocz are progressing.
It has been 3 months now since I started this new set. I am noticing that some of them are starting to form buds and starting to lock up much faster than they did the first time around. I honestly believe it’s because my hair, over the course of 9 years, has now been “trained” to lock! One of the reasons I say this is because during the time I wore my hair loose and would wear 2-strand twists, those bad boys tried to lock up on me with the quickness!
So, I figure it’s probably not going to take AS long this go-round to lock as it did initially back in 2001. But I am not in any rush, especially now that I have settled in my mind that Bradelocz are permanent braids and therefore, if they look like braids for an extended period of time, I really don’t mind at all just as long as they stay intact! 🙂
So without further ado…
(click on each image to view larger)