“Discover how you can have healthy, natural,
wake-up-N-go hair that’ll grow down ya back!”

Hey, I’m Cherie King, owner of this site and author of The Bradelocz Guide.
There was a time I desired long hair that didn’t break off before it had a chance to grow past my shoulders.
I was in a continuous cycle of growth to the top of my shoulders, then breakage up to the nape of my neck, regrowth, breakage, and on and on and on.
Nothing I tried worked and honestly, there was error on my part, as I did my fair share of damage to my hair with relaxers and heat.
Sound familiar?
So, what can you do about it?
I’ll just share a little of what *I* personally did and you can make the decision if it’s for you or not.
In short, I did “The Big Chop” and went natural, played around with doing twists, fros, etc. then decided doing all of that was too much work for my lazy a$$.
I needed something with minimal maintenance, yet protective enough to allow my hair to flourish WITHOUT the excruciating pain (and risk of losing my edges) of getting extensions or sew-ins, only to have to constantly take it down to do it all over again.
Enter, Bradelocz: The PERMANENT Braids!
What are Bradelocz?
Simply put, they’re locs started with braids (a.k.a. braidlocs) BUT, maintained using a special technique I developed and perfected using a simple latch hook.
And they’re wonderful for:
- softer hair textures that don’t hold up as well with other locking methods
- people who want or need to be able to style their locs IMMEDIATELY after they are put in.
- those who need or desire to be able to get their hair wet and don’t want to worry about unraveling.
- avid braid wearers who wear braids almost constantly and would love no more take-down and re-braiding.
Plus, your Bradelocz™ will grow as long as or even LONGER than any extensions you’ve ever worn!
Grow your OWN hair down to “there“… wherever “there” is for you. Whether you want it to your shoulder blades, the middle of your back, or down to or past your waist – Bradelocz can get you there!
And with Bradelocz you can enjoy benefits such as:
- Being able to freely go swimming
- No longer being afraid of rain or water parks
- The ability to get up in the morning, tousle a bit and GO
- Save MONEY on buying hair and getting installs
- Need I say more?
Now, you’re probably wondering…
Will there be any styling versatility and will you be able to “do anything” with them, right?
Well, rest assured that Bradelocz are VERY versatile and can be VERY professional-looking for your corporate job!
I’m talking everything from curly roller sets to upswept styles to flat twists to crimped/waved looks and more! You’ll get more styling options out of your Bradelocz than you’ve EVER gotten out of extension braids!
Bradelocz offers you the freedom and versatility to either wear them freestyle (no styling at all) or styled to accommodate any situation!
No need to wait until they’re fully mature, you can begin styling your locs right from the start!
From the corporate office to the home office, Bradelocz can fit into your work environment PERFECTLY!
Why The Bradelocz Guide?
For one, I consider myself one of the pioneers of braidlocs. No, I didn’t invent it, but during the early 2000’s, I definitely popularized it when what started out as my personal journal of my own locking experiences, turned into a DIY e-manual, complete with:
- Answers to commonly-asked questions
- Preparation & planning tips
- Sizing Chart & Guidelines
- Installation instructions
- Care and maintenance
- Things to expect while locking
- And my personal, month-to-month Bradelocking journal
where you’ll get to see my hair in its different phases of growth over the course of one year and read about my experience
I remember watching a video where someone pointed out all the things she wishes she’d known before getting braid locs.
And the whole time, I had the biggest grin on my face because EVERYTHING she mentioned not knowing, were things I have always covered in The Bradelocz Guide. ijs.
You’ll be equipped with ALL the information you need to start and manage your Bradelocz.
Any other questions?
I’m sure you may have some questions such as:
Is it a good idea to start locs with braids?
Can you use extensions when starting Bradelocz™?
Could they be used to start locs on naturally-straight hair?
Are Bradelocz™ good for men and/or children?
Those questions and more will be answered in the following video, so check it out…
Now is the time to begin YOUR journey to F-R-E-E-D-O-M!
When you embark upon the Bradelocz™ experience, you will gain freedom from a lot of the hair drama most of us are or have been accustomed to:
- Worrying about your hair on a daily basis
- Fear of water or “sweating your hair out”
- Relying solely on others to care for your hair
- Damaged, unhealthy hair from harsh chemicals and overuse of hot tools
And you can have this freedom for LESS than it costs for a trip to the salon!
So go ahead and purchase your copy now!
Read & follow these steps for a smooth transaction:
- Click the image above. You’ll be taken to the checkout page.
- If you have a PayPal account: Log in and proceed with the payment process.
- If you do not have a PayPal account: Click the “Pay with credit or debit card” button.
- Click the “Return to Merchant” link, once payment has been made, to get access to your ebook.
- Look for an email from me with a link to the ebook. If you don’t see the email within 24 hours of purchasing, check your spam/junk folder.
Happy Bradelocking!