Hey everybody!
Well, it has now been 6 months since I started my NEW Bradelocz journey! My last update was at 3 months.
I was just sitting here feeling my locs and I notice that they are locking up MUCH faster than they did the first go ’round. I can only attribute it to the fact that my hair was and still is in “locking mode” after I removed the first set, during the short interim where I wore my hair loose (this was evident whenever I attempted to wear a 2-strand twist style…they would start to lock up on me) and now…my hair hasn’t forgotten what it had been “trained” to do for 9 whole years!
The ends are still fairly loose and curly but further up going towards the scalp, it’s feeling pretty solidified and tight…I’d say about a good inch of it.
So, as usual, I have posted some pics below for you to see my progress. OH…and you may or may not notice that I DID cut my hair 🙂 I just wanted a more “bobbed look” so I shaped up the back. But even from that, it’s growing back. I’m just amazed at how CAREFREE I am this time around. I am not in a rush for my hair to lock up, I don’t worry about if there are buds or not…aside from washing & retightening I’m just letting my hair…BE with no worries about what it’s doing or not doing!
Okay, and now for the pictures! Enjoy! 🙂
(click on each image to enlarge)