Today I will answer another question from one of my Bradelocz subscribers…
“Can Bradlocz be taken down and what is the average time it takes to put them in?” – Shelle
Question 1: Can Bradelocz be taken down?
I figure this question is asked because of the “permanency” of Bradelocz, or locs in general.
But the answer is, yes, they can!
In fact, most types of locs can be taken down.
I’ve taken Bradelocz down… twice! Once on my eldest daughter, and once on myself. And while it’s most definitely a very tedious process, even more so the longer you’ve been locked; it’s not an impossible feat!
Also, depending on the length of your hair and the time you’ve had them in, you may have to cut some of the length to make it a little easier. My locs had been in almost 10 years when I decided to take them down.
Question 2: What’s the average time it takes to put Bradelocz in?
This is going to depend on a number of factors:
- The length of your hair when starting out – the longer your hair is, the longer it may take to install the braids/plaits for Bradelocz.
- The size you choose to put in. The Bradelocz ebook has a sizing chart that will guide you on making 3 different sizes. The one you choose will also play a role – the smaller the loc size, the longer it may take. The larger, the shorter amount of time it may take.
- Your hair density (the amount of hairs per square inch of your head) as well as your head size. Not to be funny here, but it’s true! If the circumference of your head is on the larger side, then that may also make the installation of your Bradelocz take longer.