One of my Bradelocz customers asked…
“How important is it that the parts are lined up evenly, brick-layered or just wildly braided?”
And there really is no right or wrong answer to that because it all boils down to personal preference.
When I started my initial set of Bradelocz, I made the sections in the front as neat as possible.
But once I got to the back, I got lazy and began to randomly grab sections of hair with no actual sectioning – I guess what was referred to as “wildly braided”.
Some prefer the “wildly braided” look because, to them, it looks more natural, as if they’re allowing their hair to lock up the way it wants to.
Others prefer a bit more organization, structure, and neatness to their sections, so let’s talk about that.
The Pros and Cons of “Perfect” vs Random Parting
Why do some prefer to have their loc sections structured and others, not so much?
Is one better than the other?
I’ve spoken with a lot of loc wearers over the years and their experiences, coupled with my own observations, have given me a little insight into why they prefer their locs sectioned one way or the other.
Neat, meticulous, “perfect” box partings
Pros: This type of sectioning is often desired due to the neater appearance and the fact that it allows you to make clear-cut,”perfect” parts when styling your hair in corn rows, flat twists, side parts, etc.
Some also choose “grid-style” parting because it looks “more professional” and cleaner for their place of work or business.
Cons: Tight, clean sections may cause a “scalpy” look in thin hair with less volume and density.
Random, not-so-meticulous, “imperfect” partings
Pros: Less deliberate sections tend to create an illusion of fullness, showing less scalp in thinner, finer textured hair.
Also, again, random sections allow for the appearance of more “organically-grown” locs
Cons: Flat twists, corn rows, side & middle parts, etc., won’t have perfect, straight lines for those who desire that look.

Even if you chose “imperfect” sections whether via brick-layering or just pulling sections of hair randomly; while the sections may not be “perfectly” lined up, the styles will be just as beautiful!
Once again, it’s YOUR choice as to how you want your locs sectioned off and whatever you choose is neither right nor wrong.
Blessings & Warmest Regards,