So I was in the mood for curls…
And I wanted spiral curls…
I asked a friend of mine about her spiral
curls and she suggested Spike Curlers…
Well, I didn’t have any Spike Curlers…
So, I resorted to an old fashioned method…paper bags!
I just tore paper bags into strips (about 1″ in width) and wrapped small sections of my locs around the bags in a “spiral curl” fashion.
How’d they turn out?
Well, they turned out “okay”…but next time I’ll do a few things differently such as:
- Use more sturdy bags (the ones I used were pretty cheap and flimsy
- Use a setting lotion of some sort so that the curls last longer before falling
- Use smaller sections of my locs (I got a little lazy towards the back!)
Other than that, they turned out pretty good…can’t wait to try it when my hair is longer!
Blessings & Warmest Regards,