*Sigh*…Yeah, I’ve always heard of it happening to someone else.
I always believed that “Black people don’t get head lice” and now I know better.
No, it wasn’t ME…it was my youngest, 9-year old daughter. Back in 2007 or so, one of her friends had it and although she says she didn’t, I truly believe that my baby broke one of the “golden rules” I’ve always taught my children…NEVER, EVER under any circumstances put someone else’s headgear on, use their combs or brushes or allow them to do the same with YOUR stuff.
But nevertheless, however it happened, it happened.
It was a very disturbing experience, to say the least…seeing those critters crawling in my baby’s head…seeing the nits (eggs) attached to her hair strands.
In case you didn’t know, she HAD locks…6 years of growing them and she loved them dearly…said she was NEVER gonna cut ’em. But on that dreadful (no pun intended) day…I had to shave my baby’s locks off.
I wanted to salvage them so I did my research and tried every (natural) remedy I could. I put together a concoction of coconut oil, olive oil, neem oil and I even sprayed an all-natural, non-toxic, orange oil-based insect spray on her scalp. I covered her soaked hair with a plastic cap and let it sit for hours!
Then, I washed her hair only to discover, while many of the lice were dead, some were still alive and the nits weren’t going anywhere with that “strategy”.
I knew that one of those combs designed for this sort of thing with those itty-bitty, tightly-compacted teeth were NOT going through her kinky tresses even after I cut the locks but left her new growth.
So, I ended up cutting it down virtually to the scalp. She cried…once I left her presence, I cried…but my baby girl is strong and she was soon okay with her “loss”. But she *did* beg me to get her a wig…I quickly convinced her otherwise and got her to agree to wearing ponytail headwraps from various old t-shirts we had around. She loves those.
Her hair is growing back very quickly thanks to prayers, genetics and a rosemary essential oil-infused olive oil that I’ve (or rather SHE’S) been applying to her scalp.
In all honesty, I think she looks absolutely ADORABLE with her low-cut TWA (teeny weeny afro) and I’ve tried to convince her of such…we all have! But she is not trying to hear it…she will go nowhere nor allow anyone (aside from immediate family) to see her with her “bald head” as she calls it.
Oh well…she’s her own lil’ woman…I won’t force her.